Broken Eggs
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment component of the curriculum deals with individuals and families under stress, recognizing and understanding stress, and dealing with it. The two films belonging to this component present stressful situations arising in classrooms and suggest coping strategies.
This film captures an unhappy incident at a preschool. When children flout the authority of the student, Cal, and crush some special eggs she has brought from her science teacher to show them, Cal is so upset that she runs from the room. This film provides an opportunity to examine and discuss Cal's reaction, and the events leading up to it. (10 minutes, color)
- Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer 7 browser: click on the 'PLAY' button (the wedge pointing to the right) under the movie screen to start the movie
- Internet Explorer 6 browser: press ENTER or SPACEBAR or click on the movie screen. Then click on the 'PLAY' button to start the movie.
Additional controls enable pause, volume change and positioning at any point within the movie.